Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions


Let me explain the process of how money is handled by iCare Refund Services. A Company or person due to death, liquidation, forgetfulness, or neglect will leave money in an institution whether it be a Bank, Insurance Company or Government office etc. A letter or cheque will be sent to the rightful owner at their last known address. If this letter is lost in the mail or does not reach you for whatever reason, your money is transferred to a Trust account, where in remains until claimed by its rightful owner. If this does not occur within a certain time frame, that money gets absorbed into the government coffers. It becomes government funds and you then have NIL chance of ever recovering it!

What’s disturbing is the fact that only 2% of rightful owners claim their money, 98% are simply not aware of their entitlement, this is where iCare Refund Services undertakes the vital role of making individuals and businesses aware that they are entitled to that money and assisting them in getting its Refund.

iCare Refund Services specialises in recovering unclaimed funds & returning them to its rightful owners. At iCare Refund Services we are seriously committed to putting money BACK into the pockets of fellow Australians.We have successfully recovered monies for several companies and individuals.


iCare Refund Services charges NO upfront fees or costs- that’s NIL cost!

 A small fee is charged when we recover your money. No recovered funds - NO charge This means you have Nothing to Lose and Everything to Win!

Our staff do all the running around ensuring that you have a watertight claim and that your cheque is processed as quickly as possible- because that’s the only way We can get paid.

Don’t give your money to the government so Act Now by sending the completed Authority Form (available on our Website) and the required proof of identity via mail or email to the address on our Website.

Proof of Identity

No claim can be processed without the appropriate proof of identity, it is very important for you to provide us with the required proof of ID so that we can establish your rightful ownership. Delays in forwarding the required documents will delay the process of claiming your money.

Required Proof of Identity for individuals

  1. Proof of Identity- this includes a Copy of Driver’s Licence or Passport or Birth Certificate
  2. Proof of a connection to the last known address- this includes a council rates notice or electricity bill or gas bill or correspondence to that address.
  3. Signed Authority to Release Form downloaded from our Website or enclosed.

Terms and Conditions

  1. iCare Refund cannot disclose the source of your funds unless we have your signed Authority Form fully completed. Correspondance by the client to use the services of iCare Refund amounts to agreeing as an Authority to recover the funds. Thereby notification of the location of the funds by iCare Reund Services binds the client to the services of iCare Refund Services and the agreement is irrevocable.
  2. National refund service fee is 18% of all monies recovered,but iCare Refund Services charges are lesser,  payable only upon the Refund of funds.
  3. Every effort is made by iCare Refund Services to ensure that cheques or EFT payments are returned to you within 8 weeks from receipt of ALL correct documentation required to process the claim- however iCare Refund Services and its employees are not responsible for any delays in processing of claims and accept no responsibility for any claims, loss or liability arising from such delays.
  4. iCare Refund Services accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, currency or completeness of any information provided via any correspondence and or communications. The accuracy or reliability of information provided is not guaranteed or warranted in any way and iCare Refund Services, its agencies, representatives, subsidiaries and affiliates disclaim liability of any kind whatsoever, including and without limitation, liability for accuracy, quality, performance or reliability for a particular purpose arising out of the information provided.
  5. Acceptance of our service is automatic acceptance of all iCare Refund Services Terms and Conditions. On completing the Authority form or by confirmation by correspondance to agree to our services amounts to the acceptance of the services of iCare Refund Services and is irrevocable.

If you are having any trouble getting hold of the requested documentation, please call the iCare Refund Coordinator immediately on 0404 036 550 to discuss alternatives…


       iCare Refund Services - Putting YOUR Money Back In YOUR pocket